When the gap between plasmonic metal surfaces drops below a few nanometres, the optical intensity trapped inside can be a million-fold larger than the illumination. This drastically increases every phenomenon inside that depends on light.
Current work:

Extreme trapping in nanoparticle-on-mirror
We have pushed the development of nanocavities which confine light to <1nm high and 5nm wide. They are easy to make, robust, scalable, and offer superb opportunities for novel light-matter interactions. These ‘NPoM’ systems have strong resonances that can be tuned by gap spacing and nanoparticle diameter across the visible and infrared. [1]

Precision nano-decahedra-on-mirror
By using nanoparticles which have the identical triangular facets on each side (decahedra), we can make robust nanocavities with reduced spectral variation. We explore how the symmetry breaking changes emission, absorption, and vibrational spectroscopies. [2]

Facet control of nanocavity fields
We have developed ways to model the influence of the shape of the lower facet of the nanoparticle on the spectral resonances, and the shapes of each optical mode inside the nanocavity. This is crucial to understand the spectra observed in experiments. [3]

Lasing in extreme nanocavities
When emitters are placed inside the plasmonic nanocavities, their light-matter coupling is vastly enhanced. This allows us to create lasers with only a single emitter, but they have unusual properties unlike any conventional laser. [4]

Collective vibrations inside nanocavities
Typically we place single layers of molecules inside the NPoM cavities. However when we excite vibrations on a single molecule, this can couple to all the nearby molecules, creating a mixed excitation which is more stable as it is delocalised. [5]

Strong coupling with single emitters
Because the nanocavity confines light so tightly, even a single emitter can couple to the confined plasmon so tightly so that the energy flips back and forth between them faster than it escapes. This creates new mixed ‘polaritons’ (here ‘plexcitons’) with different properties, such as new chemistry. [6]
Key papers:
- Extreme nanophotonics from ultrathin metallic gaps, Nature Materials 18, 668 (2019); DOI: 10.1038/s41563-019-0290-y
- Full Control of Plasmonic Nanocavities Using Gold Decahedra-on-Mirror…, Adv.Science (2023); DOI 10.1002/advs.202207178
- Fingerprinting the Hidden Facets of Plasmonic Nanocavities, ACS Photonics (2022); DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00116
- Few-emitter lasing in single ultra-small nanocavities, Nanophotonics (2023); DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0706
- Collective Mid-Infrared Vibrations in SERS, Nano Letters (2022); DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02806
- Single-molecule strong coupling at room temperature in plasmonic nanocavities, Nature 535, 127 (2016); DOI 10.1038/nature17974
Current people involved:
JJB, Paul Kerner, Lille Børresen, Jonathan Bar David, Taras Mykytiuk, Martin Stecher, Riccardo Nori